Nitro Ground Shaker Pinball Machine



*Video is of game play from YouTube user “PAPApinball.“*


Nitro Ground Shaker Pinball Machine

The Nitro Ground Shaker Pinball Machine is a Drag Race themed pinball game.  It was made in 1980 by Bally.

The following is from the International Pinball Database:

Manufacturer: Bally Manufacturing Corporation (1931-1983) [Trade Name: Bally]
Project Date: May 12, 1978
Date Of Manufacture: January, 1980
Model Number: 1154-E
MPU: Bally MPU AS-2518-35
Type: Solid State Electronic (SS) [?]
Production: 7,950 units   (confirmed)
Serial Number Database: View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (  (External site)
Theme: Sports – Auto Racing
Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (3), Kick-out holes (2), 4-bank drop targets (1), Spinning target (1).
Design by: George Christian
Art by: Dave Christensen
Notes: The manufacturer’s flyer and manual refer to this game only as “Ground Shaker” while the backglass prominently includes the word “Nitro”.


*Images shown are the actual pictures of the game that is for sale.*

*all games that are sold are refurbished and optimized before customers receive the final game. please allow a few months after purchase so our highly skilled technicians thoroughly go over your game. thank you!*

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Looking for more photos or information about the history of this machine or international versions of this machine?

Click to check out the International Pinball Machine Database listing on this pinball machine.