Space Duel



*Video is of game play from YouTube user “Insert Coin.“*

*Note: These are stock images and not photos of the actual game you can purchase!*

*all games that are sold are refurbished and optimized before customers receive the final game. please allow a few months after purchase so our highly skilled technicians thoroughly go over your game. thank you!*

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Space Duel Arcade Game

Here we have a two-player color version of the game Asteroids. This game can play in either single-player, competitive, or team mode.

The following is from the Arcade Museum:


Name Space Duel
Developer Atari (United States)
Year 1982
Type Videogame
KLOV/MOG # 9647
Class Wide Release
Genre Space
  • Orientation: Horizontal
  • Type: Vector
  • Color: Color
Conversion Class Atari Color Vector
Game Specific Space Duel Pinout
Dipswitch Settings

Space Duel Dipswitch Settings (user contributed)

# Simultaneous Players 2
# Maximum Players 2
Game Play Joint
Control Panel Layout Multiple Player
  • Buttons: Rotational (left, right)
  • Buttons: 3 – FireThrustShield
Sound Unamplified Mono (requires one-channel amp)
Cabinet Styles
  • Upright/Standard – 272 lbs
  • Cocktail
Control Panel Space Duel Control Panel Image
Side Art Space Duel Side Art Image


Color vector game where player’s ship shoots colored geometric shaped “asteroids”, mines, enemy ships, and opposing player’s ship. A bonus wave adds a multiplayer to the player’s score when all bonus objects are shot.

Game Introduction

This game is a two-player color version of Asteroids. It has two different modes of play: competitive and team. In competitive mode, each player competes for points. Players can shoot each other for bonus points, but they don’t lose a ship. In team mode, the two players are attached together by a “filament”. Each player’s ship can move and shoot independently.


The game appears on the album cover of It’s Hard by the Who. The was possibly the first video game to make it onto an album cover.

*Note: These are stock images and not photos of the actual game you can purchase!*

*all games that are sold are refurbished and optimized before customers receive the final game. please allow a few months after purchase so our highly skilled technicians thoroughly go over your game. thank you!*

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Additional information

Weight 350 lbs


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